the edits
live Q&A

Intentional Live Coaching for Business Leaders

global coaching community

the    business edit


We use our experience as a global collective to provide you with live coaching independent of location. You won't find vanilla here. Our approach is disrupting the industry and our goal is to support and work alongside founders and leaders using our unique coaching program to elevate growth, strategy and state. 

How we work

We begin with the foundations ones that are agile enough to be resilient and move with our fast paced changing times. We support and understand your environment first so that we can begin to add our own unique coaching method to support your leadership growth and change. We believe service is a given, our work is to elevate the process, the journey and absolutely your outcome.  

Our approach

The Business Edit will gather with you in our virtual boardroom. Your hand picked 'EDIT' will work with you directly to support your growth, business, ambition and best self.

Virtual Boardroom

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what we offer

For those of you who want to meet in person we can arrange for our team to come visit with you on location if you prefer the synergy on live coaching in the moment.

On Campus

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With retreats held every year our Business Leaders are able to work away from the distractions of the organization and day to day business in beautiful locations around the world

Retreat With Us

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The collective wisdom of this powerful, active, and curated community gives us a unique coaching advantage. We provide our clients the framework to be an extraordinary leader.

When you commit to designating focused, uninterrupted time to the growth of your business and life, and you surround yourself with experts and changemakers with the tools and resources needed to thrive, you leave little room for anything but success.

“We believe that resilient leaders are the changemakers who are disrupting and transforming the world 
we live in

our take on why good Coaching matters

— jan foo

schedule a consultation

Your coaching journey starts the moment you say YES!